A Toast to Sam & Emma

In the summer of 2003, a Zornes family meeting was called. Mom and Dad and all the siblings were gathered together and entrusted with some exciting news. We were told it was very important to keep it secret. I as an over-literal eight year old, of course dutifully kept the secret to this day. But, on this occasion, 20 years later, I’m confident it is probably safe to reveal: Mom was pregnant. It is certainly not a secret, however, the

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A Real-Live Dragon and a Cardboard King

In J.R.R. Tolkein’s “The Hobbit,” a tale is told of a band of dwarves who set out to reclaim their ancestor’s mountain. It was once very much like a castle mined deep into the Lonely Mountain. But many years ago a dragon invaded the mountain, displacing and killing many of the dwarves who called it their home. He claimed all the treasure for his own and dwelt there for many years unchallenged. He struck fear in the heart of all

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Is Christianity a Religion or Just a Relationship?

"Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship." If you have been around Christianity for any amount of time, you have probably heard this phrase in one way, shape, or form. Should it remain a staple in 'Christianese,' or should it be excommunicated along with other phrases like "God helps those who help themselves" and "God won't give you more than you can handle?"

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Conversations That Require A Jacket

It is no secret, I am not a fan of cold weather, but I do find a fresh snowfall rather enchanting. The untouched beauty of a Colorado snow gives me an almost adventurous inkling. Rarely, however, am I be willing to go out into the snowy tundra to romp around. I prefer to stay inside and admire it from the warmth of my home or office. I find many times our conversations follow a similar pattern. They can change and

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Yes, I Really Was Born With Teeth

The fact I was born with teeth was little known until I got my first email address. When friends and teachers would see it, the same question always followed, “Were you really born with teeth?” Actually, my teeth cut when I was 8 days old, but for all intents and purposes, yes, I really was born with teeth. Interesting personal trivia as it may be, it set my life on an interesting trajectory. The rapid development did not stop there.

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