A Toast to Sam & Emma

In the summer of 2003, a Zornes family meeting was called. Mom and Dad and all the siblings were gathered together and entrusted with some exciting news. We were told it was very important to keep it secret. I as an over-literal eight year old, of course dutifully kept the secret to this day. But, on this occasion, 20 years later, I’m confident it is probably safe to reveal: Mom was pregnant.

It is certainly not a secret, however, the impact Sam has had on our family. Where Ben favored guitar and ultimate frisbee, I favored spreadsheets and ultimate frisbee, but Sam…he preferred doing backflips…and ultimate frisbee. He was so different from us boys, ever the risk taker.

Sam, you have been ambitious your entire life. Marriage, though nicknamed “settling down,” is anything but safe. Today, you have established your own household. You now represent Christ to your wife, your family before God, and speak as the head of your home to the world; a world that hates both God and marriage. Welcome to the front lines.

Fortunately, you don’t fight this battle alone. You’ve found what Solomon calls “a good thing.” Solomon also said a wife is “awesome as an army with banners.” Emma, daunting as this description sounds, the weapons of your warfare somewhat resemble garden tools. The weapons of the world are destructive and calamitous, but you as a Christian wife fight by being life-giving and fruitful. Sam, as you courageously lead your wife, and Emma, as you joyfully follow your husband as he follows Christ, may your home resemble a garden city, with children like olive plants around your table abounding in love and faithfulness.

To Sam & Emma

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